Dreams Within Reach

The life of a young theatre artist trying to discover her role in it all. Who am I? What is theatre to me? Among the other things to figure out in life.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What Makes A Good Theatre Artist?

Is it talent? Or the dedication to the craft?

I know that there are plenty of people that are born with so much natural talent but they don't do anything about it. But then they spend that random moment and wow everyone and everything just happens for them. Is that truly fair? Will karma come back and kick them in the butt?

And then there's some people who work all their life for something and try. And honestly work harder than anyone else at it, but they don't have the talent for it. They just aren't meant to be doing what they have slaved over.

The best example is that of dance. Think of all the hours it takes. The years it takes to train your body. Your way of expression. And let's face it, not everyone will be a ballerina. They can train and train, but never have the feet or body for it. It's not meant to be. Or is it? Is it meant to be and society just doesn't know what to do with someone so different?

This was a random thought I wanted to write about. I don't know where I stand. I know I have some talent. I'm not talent-less. And I know I work hard. I do. I work hard at the things I do. So am I in the middle?

But what about those other people on the far right or left? Who's right? Who deserves it? The talented individual that really truly no one can deny, but shows no sense in trying. Or the individual that puts all their efforts into something they'll never be good at and waste years on it?

Just thoughts.

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