Dreams Within Reach

The life of a young theatre artist trying to discover her role in it all. Who am I? What is theatre to me? Among the other things to figure out in life.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the passion of life." Federico Fellini

I like this quote. I came across it on someone's facebook page and it stood out to me.

I feel that my biggest flaw is my fear of jumping into things. Which is funny because I am jumping into things when I get to Chicago. But I always feel as thought I am not capable. I am not ready yet. That at one point, I will know. When? When is that point of knowing? Knowing that it's time for me to do something.

So I admire people who live their life full of passion. The people who throw themselves into their work completely. When you watch these people perform, you know it's their soul being poured out on the stage. That takes guts. That takes strength. That takes all of your being.

Imagine that passion for everything in your life. For when you wake up to go that class in the morning. The passion when you meet new people and interact with your old dear friends. The passion to love freely and completely. To not care that tomorrow is a day away, but to live in the moment. To give yourself fully to that moment. To that moment of solitude. To that moment of companionship. To the waking up and going to bed each day. To breathing. To walking. To Being.

Imagine how the world would be if everyone fully lived out their lives with passion, not complacency?

Don't worry about yesterday. Don't worry about tomorrow. Focus on today. Live in today. Full of life. Full of passion.


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